NLP for Biomedical Information Analysis

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Biomaterials in healthcare span almost all medical fields, ranging from recognised materials to high-innovative innovative and multifunctional biomaterials. One of the main challenges is to provide accessible and well-structured data on biomaterials for all relevant practitioners and user groups. BIOMATDB+ aims to create an advanced database for biomaterials providing...

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of mortality worldwide, accounting for about a third of annual deaths. Refusing structured and unstructured data has the potential for significant health benefits for the population suffering from CVD. Healthcare data reuse in Europe faces privacy and fragmentation issues, high data formats and language diversity, and a...

Características socio-demográficas, como la profesión y la situación laboral, resultan imprescindibles para entender la salud y el bienestar. La relación entre enfermedades y profesiones se debe a múltiples factores, como el riesgo aumentado de exposición a sustancias tóxicas y patógenos, la sobrecarga...


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