Workflows and Distributed Computing

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The main objective of the Business Experiments in Grid (BEinGRID) project was to foster the adoption of the so-called Next Generation Grid technologies by carrying out business experiments and creating a toolset repository of Grid middleware upper layers.

The focus of BEinGRID was a series of targeted business experiment pilots designed to implement...

Because of its apparent strengths in providing access to distributed resources, and coordinating their activities towards an overall objective, Grid computing has considerable potential to contribute substantially to the competitiveness of both commercial and non-commercial organisations. At the time of the BREIN project launch, most current Grid solutions were still not able...

Adapting Service lifeCycle towards EfficienT (ASCETiC) was focused on providing novel methods and tools to support software developers aiming to optimise energy efficiency and minimise the carbon footprint resulting from designing, developing, deploying, and running software in Clouds. At the same time, quality of service, experience and perception was taken into account, so...
