17 Jan
BSC to showcase research excellence in HPC and AI at HiPEAC'25
Barcelona hosts Europe's leading event on IT architecture, programming models and cybersecurity, which this year celebrates its 20th edition
10 Dec
BSC to host one of seven European AI factories to drive its development in the business ecosystem
This infrastructure will provide access to powerful computational resources and R&D services to companies, startups, SMEs and scientists, accelerating the development of AI applications aligned with European values.
03 Dec
BSC researcher Pablo Ortega, awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant to advance climate prediction to the next level
The PREDDYCT project led by Ortega, co-leader of the BSC's Climate Variability and Change group, recognised with one of the most prestigious scientific grants at European level
BSC has a portfolio of over 150 research projects financed by public and private sources both national and international.
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Tech Transfer
Many organizations are now using HPC as an essential part of their business strategy.
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