The main governance boards of BSC are the Board of Trustees and the Executive Commission. Both as well as of members of the BSC, are made up of members of the three shareholding institutions of the BSC
The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
(Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades)
The Catalan Ministry of Research and Universities
(Departament de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya)
The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible, amongst other things, for appointing the Director; setting the general criteria for the operation of BSC; and approving the annual action plan, the multi-annual budgetary framework and the annual budget.
- Juan Cruz, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation, and Universities
Vice President:
- Maria Galindo, Secretary of Digital Policies, DEMC
MCIU Representatives:
- Eva Ortega-Paíno, Secretary-General of Research
- María González Veracruz, Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (Ministry for Digital Transformation and Civil Service)
DEMC Representatives:
- Josep Oriol Escardíbul, Secretary-General of Research and Universities
- Joan Gómez Pallarès, Director General of Research
UPC Representatives:
- Daniel Crespo, Rector
- Jordi Llorca, Vice-rector
Commission Secretaries:
- Marta Ayllón, State lawyer
- Carmen Casas, State lawyer
BSC Guests:
- Mateo Valero, Director
- Josep Maria Martorell, Associate Director
- Alexandre Puerto, Director of Management Department
Executive Commission
- Eva Ortega-Paíno, Secretary-General of Research
MCI Representative:
- José Ignacio Doncel, Deputy Director General of Large Scientific and Technical Facilities
DEMC Representatives:
- Joan Gómez Pallarés, Director General of Research
- Xavier Massó, Deputy Director General for Research
UPC Representatives:
- Jordi Llorca, Vice Rector for Research
- Climent Molins, Vice-Rector for Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Commission Secretaries:
- Marta Ayllón, State lawyer
- Carmen Casas, State lawyer
BSC Guests:
- Mateo Valero, Director
- Josep Maria Martorell, Associate Director
- Alexandre Puerto, Director of Management Department
The BSC Management Board
The BSC Management Board is chaired by the centre’s Director and is made up of the Associate Director and the department directors. The Board meets regularly to discuss the technical, scientific and administrative management of the centre.
BSC Management Board members:
- Mateo Valero, Director
- Josep Maria Martorell, Associate Director
- Eduard Ayguadé, Computer Science Associate Director
- Alfonso Valencia, Life Sciences Director
- Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes, Earth Sciences Director
- José María Cela, Computer Applications in Science and Engineering Director
- Sergi Girona, Operations Director
- Alexandre Puerto, Director of Management Department
The Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board is made up of distinguished senior scientists and science managers from around the world. It reports to the BSC-CNS Board of Trustees, and meets periodically to analyse BSC-CNS’s research programmes, results and plans. The Board issues a written report which evaluates the period in question and includes suggestions and advice for the future. The current members of the board are:
- Dr. Bonnie Berger, Simons professor of Mathematics and head of the Communication and Biology Group at the Computer Science and AI Laboratory, MIT, USA
- Dr. Jean-Yves Berthou, Executive Director at Inria, France
- Dr. Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, Senior Vice-President Research Networks, Elsevier
- Dr. Pascale Braconnot, Researcher Laboratory for Climate and Environmental Sciences (LSCE) France
- Dr. Qian Depei, Beinhang University, China
- Dr. Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
- Dr. Christian Hasse, Professor at TU Darmstadt, Germany
- Dr. Bryan Lawrence, University of Reading, UK
- Dr. Bob Lucas, “Ansys Fellow”, Los Angeles,CA, USA
- Dr. Satoshi Matsuoka, Director of the RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Japan
- Dr. Ron Perrott, University of Oxford, UK CHAIR.
- Dr. Irene Qualters, Associate Laboratory Director for Simulation and Computation at Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
- Dr. Francesca Rossi, IBM AI Ethics Global Leader, AAAI President, USA
- Dr. Reinhard Schneider, Head of bioinformatics core facility, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- Honorary Member: Dr. Paul Messina, Argonne Distinguished Fellow, Argonne National Laboratory (retired)
The Access Committee
The Acces Committee is the organ that reviews the access requests to MareNostrum and the other nodes of the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES, Red Española de Supercomputación). The access to these resources is available for open R+D activities related to competitive research projects, and is free for end-users through the periodic calls available in RES web page (www.res.es).
The Access Committee is composed by 7 domain panels responsible for the scientific review of the access requests received and a Core Team responsible for resource allocation. The domain panels are composed of prestigious Spanish and International scientists.
The current composition of the Core Team is the following:
- Ministerial representative (MCIN) with large experience in innovation management: Francisco Herrada
- Representative of Agencia Estatal de Investigación: Julio Bravo
- Supercomputing expert from RES: Vicente Matellán, SCAYLE
- Supercomputing expert from BSC-CNS: Rosa M. Badia
- Data services expert from RES: Gonzalo Merino, PIC
- Data services expert from BSC-CNS: Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes
The composition of the domain panels is confidential, with the exception of their coordinators and assistants, listed below:
- Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences:
- Pablo Cerdà Durán, UV
- Montserrat Torné, CSIC
- Biomedicine and Life Sciences:
- Evangelina López de Maturana, CNIO
- Iñaki Tuñon, UV
- Data Management:
- Fernanda Pesset, UPV
- Oscar Corcho, UPM
- Engineering and Mathematics:
- F. Javier Salvador Rubio, UPV
- Soledad Le Clainche Martínez, UPM
- Heterogeneous and Solids Chemistry
- Carme Sousa Romero, UB
- Mercedes Boronat, UPV
- Homogeneous Chemistry
- Inés Corral, UAM
- Mar Reguero, URV
- Physics:
- Alicia M. Sintes, UIB
- Saúl Ares, CSIC