Gender-based violence is a violation of human rights through violence against women as a manifestation of discrimination and a situation of inequality within a system of power relations between men and women which, by physical, economic, or psychological means, including threats, intimidation and coercion, results in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering, whether it occurs in the public or the private sphere. (Law 17/2020 Eradication of sexist violence)
There are different expressions of gender-based violence ranging from femicide to cyber harassment and can occur in various settings, from the familiar to the workplace. Thus, sexual and gender-based harassment in the workplace are manifestations of gender-based violence in society.
No area of society and no work environment is free of sexual harassment and gender-based violence. Of course, this includes the scientific system, which is largely characterized by hierarchical and interdependent structures.
BSC's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Unit participates in campaigns and organizes training courses with the aim of raising awareness of the relevance of the topic. Seminars and training sessions for BSC staff aim to educate and strengthen in the management of the topic to prevent and ensure a safe space for all people. The actions are diverse and we are working to expand materials and information in all work spaces.
Gender-based violence in the workplace violates fundamental rights of individuals, including health and psychological integrity due to the impact of these behaviours in the victims. This can lead to psychosocial risk generated in the work environment. In this scenario, there is a need for a prevention strategy based on training and raising awareness actions.
As part of the measures of the Gender Equality Plan, the BSC has approved the new Protocol for the prevention, detection, and action against sexual harassment and harassment based on sex, gender identity and expression, and sexual orientation with the aim of making this resource available to all personnel at the centre.