The BSC-CNS reiterates its commitment to the establishment and development of policies that integrate equality of treatment and opportunities between men and women, without direct or indirect discrimination based on sex or other aspects. The BSC values diversity and equity of opportunities in its personnel regardless of their origin, culture, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, family situation, etc., and develops measures to achieve this objective within our organization and establish it as a principle strategic of our business and Human Resources policy.
The current Gender Equality Plan (2022-2025) brings together all existing and planned measures for the promotion of women in different fields of action to achieve their professional objectives and aspirations.
In compliance with the Organic Law of March 22, for effective equality, the creation of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Unit and the Equity Commission have been implemented for the development and application of the plan. The Equity Commission is made up of 13 people and responds to criteria of representativeness and transversality. A representation of various positions and areas of the institution is reflected, with the objective of collecting differential needs and facilitating the maximum dissemination of the process and results. The Commission will ensure:
- Gender equity, is understood as the provision of fairness and justice in the distribution of benefits and responsabilities between women and men.
- Equality of opportunities, understood as the identical option for the same opportunities and professional resources on the part of both sexes.
- Equity for all people independent of their origin, culture, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, family situation, etc.
- Non-discrimination, direct or indirect, of the staff in the function of their gender, as well as the elimination of barriers, visible or not, that suppose differences between women and men or for any other reason of a personal nature.
- Eradication in the working environment of any indication of sexual and gender-based harassment, as well as of any other modality of moral harassment.
- The promotion and dissemination inside the organisation of the values and practices in which equality is based, as well as the promotion of the balanced representation of both sexes in all organs and positions of responsibility of the organisation.
- The follow-up and the updating of the Equality Plan, elaborating proposals of future actions.
The members of the Equity Commission are: Anna Martín, Claudia Balletbò, Eloy Martínez, Eneko Martín, Maria Gracia Puga, María José Rementeria, Marta García, Pedro Martínez, Sara Royuela, Sergi Masot, Valentina Sicardi, Vanessa Fernández and Winona Oliveros.
If you want contact with the Comission of Equity you can send an-email to ED_Commission [at] bsc [dot] es.
For any questions or information you can write to the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Unit at edi [at] bsc [dot] es.