Bioinfo4Women - Past events


Wednesday, 15 February, 2023
- 15:00
Discover the work done by women bioinformaticians and visit the BSC supercomputing facilities, including MareNostrum 4, the most powerful supercomputer in Spain, and the site of the future MareNostrum 5 currently being installed.
BSC, Plaça d'Eusebi Güell 1-3, Barcelona.
Monday, 16 January, 2023
- 11:00

Speaker: Virginia Dignum, Umeå University – Professor at Department of Computing Science
Host: Ulises Cortés, High Performance Artificial Intelligence Group Manager, CS


Sala d'Actes de la FiB (B6 Building, Campus Nord) and over Zoom with required registration.

Thursday, 15 December, 2022
- 12:00

Speaker: Eva Novoa, Epitranscriptomics and RNA Dynamics Group leader at Novoa Lab
Host: Marta Melé, Transcriptomics and Functional Genomics Lab Group Leader


Room 1-2-1 BSC Repsol Building and zoom with required registration

Thursday, 22 September, 2022
- 15:00
Speaker: Tandy Warnow is the Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering, and Professor and Associate Head of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Host: Toni Gabaldón, Comparative Genomics Life Sciences Group Leader

Virtual seminar via zoom, with required registration


Thursday, 21 July, 2022
- 12:00
Speaker: Carole Goble, Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Manchester where she leads the e-Science Group of Researchers, Research Software Engineers and Data Stewards
Host: Salvador Capella, INB GROUP LEADER, Life Sciences - INB
Hybrid seminar: Sala d'Actes de la FiB and zoom, with required registration
Monday, 04 July, 2022
- 12:00
Speaker: Noelia Ferruz, Beatriu de Pinós Fellow at the Institute of Informatics and Applications at the University of Girona
Host: Alfonso Valencia, BSC Life Sciences department director
Hybrid seminar: Sala d'Actes de la FiB and zoom, with required registration
Thursday, 23 June, 2022
- 12:00
Speaker: Dr. Sílvia Osuna is an ICREA research professor at the Universitat de Girona (UdG)
Host: Victor Guallar, Electronic and Atomic Protein Modelling Group Manager, BSC

Virtual seminar via zoom, with required registration


Thursday, 26 May, 2022
- 12:00
Speaker: Simona Mellino, Women's Brain Project Vice President

Speaker: Davide Cirillo, Head of the Machine Learning for Biomedicine Unit, Life Sciences Dept., BSC

Host: Alfonso Valencia, Life Sciences Department Director, BSC


1-3-2 Training Room, BSC Repsol Building and streaming

Thursday, 26 May, 2022
- 10:00
The Bioinfo4Women programme of BSC organises the Women’s Health Awareness Week (WHAW) in the framework of the International Day of Action for Women's Health (28th May)


BSC –Floor 1, room 1-3-2
Thursday, 17 February, 2022
- 12:00
Speaker: Shilpa Garg, Tenure-track assistant professor and NNF Data Science Investigator at the University of Copenhagen
Host: Natasa Przulj, BSC Life Sciences - Leading Researcher - Integrative Computational Network Biology

Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration
