Women in Computer Sciences (WICS) - Past events


Monday, 16 January, 2023
- 11:00

Speaker: Virginia Dignum, Umeå University – Professor at Department of Computing Science
Host: Ulises Cortés, High Performance Artificial Intelligence Group Manager, CS


Sala d'Actes de la FiB (B6 Building, Campus Nord) and over Zoom with required registration.

Tuesday, 07 March, 2023
- 16:00
This session is organized by BioExcel, BSC and PerMedCoE with the collaboration of ACM-W, Women in HPC, B4W WiCS.

Speakers: Núria Castell Ariño,  Retired Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, Marta Garcia Gasulla, Best Practices for Performance and Programmability Established Researcher Computer Sciences Department, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and María José Rementeria, Social Link Analytics unit leader, Life Sciences Department, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).


In person. VS208 room, Vèrtex Building, Campus Nord UPC. Barcelona

Thursday, 09 March, 2023
- 10:00

Speakers: K. Rossi1, A. Ruiz-Ferrando2, S. Mitchell1
1 Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2 Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia and The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Tarragona, Spain
Host: Dario Garcia Gasulla, Artificial Intelligence Associated Researcher, Computer Sciences


Auditori BSC building and over zoom with required registration.

Thursday, 09 March, 2023
- 15:00

Speaker: Peini Liu, Data Centric Computing, First Stage Researcher, Computer Sciences
Host: Jordi Guitart, Data Centric Computing Associate Researcher





Severo Ochoa room, Capella building, and over zoom with required registration.

Monday, 20 March, 2023
- 11:00

Speaker: Ewa Deelman, University of Southern California
Host: Rosa Badia, Workflows and Distributed Computing Manager


Auditori BSC Repsol building and over zoom with required registration.

Monday, 08 May, 2023
- 12:00

Speaker: Anna Monreale is Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa
Host: Prof. Ulises Cortés, High Performance Artificial Intelligence Group Manager, CS, BSC and Coordinator of the Master in Artificial Intelligence (UPC,UB,URV)


Sala d'Actes de la FiB, B6 Building, Campus Nord, UPC and Zoom

Wednesday, 14 June, 2023
- 11:00

Speaker: Rinku Gupta, Senior Software Developer, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
Host: Toni Peña, Accelerators for High Performance Computing Group Manager, CS, BSC


1-3-2 room BSC Building and Zoom

Thursday, 07 September, 2023
- 12:00

Speaker: Katie Lim, 6th year PhD student in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington advised by Professor Tom Anderson.
Host: Miquel Moreto, High Performance Domain-Specific Architectures Associated Researcher, CS, BSC.

Sala d'Actes de la FiB (B6 Building, Campus Nord) and over Zoom with required registration
Monday, 02 October, 2023
- 15:00

Speaker: Ada Gavrilovska, Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech.
Host: Antonio Peña, Group Manager, Accelerators and Communications for HPC, Leading Researcher, CS, BSC.

Severo Ochoa room, Capella and online via Zoom
Tuesday, 05 December, 2023
- 12:00

Speaker: Azin Ebrahimi, Associate Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Host: Miquel Moretó, Associate Researcher-High Performance Domain-Specific Architectures, Computer Sciences, BSC

Sala P2 B at Til·lers Building and online via Zoom

