BSC expands the number of sessions and recovers the pre-pandemic format at the Bojos per la Supercomputació
The MareNostrum supercomputer can now also be visited virtually
Researcher Josep Lluís Berral creates an on-line course on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in supercomputing environments
The BSC organizes a training course to help primary school teachers to introduce computational thinking in classrooms
The BSC, the UPC and Eix Estels team up to launch the first technology camp for girls
New record number of visitors to MareNostrum during 2019
First class of Bojos per la Supercomputació programme
BSC co-organizes the bitsxlaMarató, a hackathon to collaborate with knowledge and donations in the Marató of TV3 for minority diseases
BSC to participate for the first time in the “Crazy about science” programme with year-long course on supercomputing
The MareNostrum supercomputer and the Macedònia children’s band have teamed up to encourage girls to study tech subjects