- Identify gaps in knowledge
- Identify opportunity for research and collaboration
- Discuss the use of new technologies
- Review skill of recent forecasts
Atlantic Basin Seasonal Hurricane Prediction: Past, Present and Future
Phil Klotzbach (Colorado State University)
Change of venue (to Severo Ochoa room, BSC) + Coffee break
Introductory word and objectives of the workshop (LP)
Introduction of participants (if workshop is small enough, (<15 people) each participant could prepare 1 slide explaining where they are from and what their interest is in the topic)
Session 1: 30 years on: What do we know and what are we missing?
Chair: Suzana Camargo
Key points:
What can we do well (if anything)?
Is that useful to anyone? And can we make the information more relevant/actionable?
What do we struggle with? Of those, which ones are
Most important?
Most achievable to answer?
Is there an overlap?
What is stopping us from making any progress?
How can we improve these particular aspects?
Targeted experiments?
Where do landfall forecasts fit into this picture?
Is there possibility/interest for collaborating on these aspects, either through a publication or through a collaborative project (e.g. H2020)?
Lunch (Hall of MareNostrum)
Session 2: Machine learning: application to hurricane forecasting
Chair: Tom Philp
Key points:
Introductory talk on machine learning by Nicolas Bruneau (Reask)
Short presentation of work done by Albert Kahira on the application of machine learning to the seasonal hurricane forecasting problem
Can ML be applied to solve some of the problems identified previously?
Can ML be used to develop a user-relevant application? If so, what would that look like?
Coffee (Severo Ochoa room)
Session 3: Contrasting the forecast performances over the 2017 and 2018 Atlantic season
Key points:
Preliminary analysis of the 2018 Atlantic forecasts
Performance review of the 2017 Atlantic forecasts
Can we forecast extreme seasons like 2017?
Suggested modifications/improvements for hurricane website.
Chair: Phil Klotzbach
Guided tour of the supercomputer
Dinner (Gut)
Workshop on seasonal hurricane forecasting
BSC hosts the Workshop on seasonal hurricane forecasting on Friday 2nd of November 2018.
Date: 02/Nov/2018 Time: 09:00
Edifici B3 - Campus Nord
Aula de Teleensenyament room:
Jordi Girona, 1-3Edifici B3 - Campus Nord